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About the Entrepreneur

~A New Day of Hope~


If we truly want a better world for our families, then we must take it upon ourselves to show them the right path to this better place that we have in mind. This path will not be easy. It will be difficult to change the hearts and minds of those individuals who make it their life’s work to destroy all that is good in this world.


We must not allow our eyes and minds to remain transfixed on all that is wrong in the world. We must use our gifts, talents and abilities to transform the wrong we see into powerful and just opportunities.


With every day, we will slowly stamp out evil with good. With our faith, we will extinguish despair with hope. With our tenacity, we will ensure that life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness of future generations is secured. It is only fitting and proper that we set aside our difference for something much greater than ourselves or party affiliation.

Let our love for family and this great nation guide us to the tables of peace, unity, love and sacrifice. Let this be “A New Day of Hope.”

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A Profound Speaker 

Let's Connect

Life Coach

With a passion for education and a pivotal role in rewriting the Georgia Standards of Excellence 6th Grade Social Studies Framework as a member of the GADOE Curriculum Team, Reuben inspires countless individuals to achieve their goals and advocates for lifelong learning.

Reuben's wisdom and encouragement resonate with students and colleagues alike. As of February 2023, he has transitioned from public education to focus on running his educational and wellness firm full time.

 Community & Public Affairs

Place of refuge, reservoir of hope, inspiration, and motivation - giving back to our communities is the key to encouraging those around us.

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